Thursday 5/24/2018
1 Minute
Easy Bike
Active Spidermans
:45 Seconds
Medium Bike
Active Samson
:30 Seconds
Faster Bike
Push-up to Down Dog
Pigeon Pose – 1 Minute Each Leg
From a pushup position, sweep one leg beneath your body. Let’s use the right as an example. With your right leg beneath your body, aim to adjust your shin so that it is perpendicular to your torso – in other words, horizontal in relation to where your torso is facing. Slowly imagine sinking your waist back and down to the floor as you feel the stretch in the outside of your hip.
Child’s Pose – 1 Minute
With arms together and straight out front, have athletes sit back onto their legs while dropping the chest and head towards the ground. Relaxing as much as possible and focusing on breathing will deepen the stretch.
For Time:
Toes to Bar
After each round:
20/14 Calorie Assault Bike
50′ Front Rack Wreck Bag Walking Lunge (50/35)
Movement Substitutions
Reduce Reps
Toes as High as Possible
Knees to Chest
With 72 toes to bar in today’s workout, athletes should choose a weight that they can find a rhythm with. This is a variation that they are capable of completing 21+ repetitions unbroken when fresh. Following each set of toes to bar, athletes will complete calories on the bike and front rack walking lunges for a total of four sets. Looking for athletes to choose a weight on the Wreck Bag that allows them to complete at least 100’ unbroken when fresh. Within the workout, this should be a load that allows them to complete the full distance with a maximum of one break. If unable to use a wreckbag, use dumbbells or another weighted object in the front rack.
20/14 Calorie Row
200 Meter Run